International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity

The International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity (IFPSP), a federally registered “Not for Profit” corporation in Canada, was founded in 2019 with the mission to learn from our past, to educate and inform future generations of the history of peace in the world, and to bring a heightened level of reasoning to the discussion of what achieves, in this digital age, lasting peace, security and prosperity. 

Our Vision

Social, economic, cultural and technological prosperity can only be built on the basis of peace and security for all.

Peace and security relies on the capacity to apply force to ensure justice, while safeguarding democracy and freedom.

Our Mission

To bring together leaders, policy-makers, researchers, students, and the public, through conferences, online events, and interactive publications. 

By involving representatives from the justice system, public order and the profession of arms, we collaboratively explore the role of the military, institutions of public order, and justice, in establishing the basis for a flourishing global community based on peace and prosperity.

Our Approach

The founding concept is, without justice, there can be no peace; without security, there can be no justice. Only when justice and security enable freedom, can sustainable peace support the development of a society and its ultimate prosperity.

4th International Forum Palermo Sicily - March 2024

Tentative Schedule 2025

“Human Security in a VUCA (VOLATILE, UNCERTAIN, COMPLEX, AMBIGUOUS) World: Navigating Challenges, Building Resilience”

In an era characterized by rapid geopolitical shifts, socio-economic disparities, and evolving security threats, the concept of human security has emerged as a paramount concern for global stability and well-being. The “Human Security in a VUCA World” conference aims to explore the multifaceted dimensions of human security in today’s volatile landscape, addressing pressing issues such as armed conflicts, terrorism, climate change, pandemics, and technological disruptions in the interests of establishing a durable and lasting peace.

Pre-Forum Assignment:

A written brief on the Forum theme and panels (like the one below) with an open request for Poster presentations. The poster activity is described as a Forum opener.

Pre-Forum Communication:

A video consisting of an introduction to the IFPSP mission and activities featuring past Officer Cadets (OCs) describes the events and highlights various activities. The themes are reviewed. The need for youth outreach is described and the participants are asked to view and score the high school entries. Winners will be announced at the VIP Lunch on day 3.


1200 – 1500 – Welcome desk, maps and logistics
1530 – Rendezvous at Piazza X
Opening Activity for OC’s consisting of:
  • Speeches linking the choice of Sicily for the IFPSP
  • The Price of Peace 
  • A short commemorative walk and wreath laying
  • Welcome by the Mayor
  • Cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres
1930 Open evening


0830-0900 – Opening keynote
0900-11:30 – Poster Activity where OC’s and Civilian Universities for each academy present one or more posters on aspects related to the themes of each 4 academic panels.
This activity is a “get to know each other activity”. Dignitaries, academics and SMEs vote on the spot for the top posters – will be invited to discussion panels following each of the Academic panels.
Coffee station is available
1130-1330 – Lunch
1330-1350 – Conference and Day 1 Introduction (Hybrid option opens)
1350-15:20 – Panel 1 Women Peace and Security (UNIPA Led)
“Diversity and Gender in Human Security”: Academics and Practitioners only
Diversity and gender are critical considerations in the context of human security. Addressing these aspects is essential for creating inclusive and effective strategies that promote the well-being and safety of all individuals within a society. It is not just about recognizing the uniqueness of individuals and communities but also about addressing systemic inequalities and vulnerabilities that can impact the overall security and well-being of a society. Integrating these considerations into policies and practices helps build more resilient and inclusive societies.
1520-1540 – Break
1540-1710 – Student Panel Discussion from winning poster submissions
1710-1730 – Day 1 Wrap Up
1900-2200 – Evening Activity


0830-0840 – Day 2 Introduction

0840-1130“Integrated Resilience and Leadership Interactive Workshop”
By combining these elements of individual resilience into a single workshop, participants will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive set of skills and strategies for building resilience, fostering leadership, navigating cross-cultural dynamics, and building meaningful connections, and managing stress effectively. This integrated approach maximizes the impact of the workshop within a limited time frame while addressing the objectives of the 2025 International Forum for Peace Security and Prosperity.

1130-1330 – Lunch

1130-1335 – Opening

1335-1530 – Panel 2 “Protecting Innocence: Children in War – A Human Security Perspective”
The panel convenes to explore the multifaceted challenges faced by children living in conflict zones, emphasizing the critical importance of human security in safeguarding their well-being. As conflicts persist worldwide, children are disproportionately affected, enduring physical harm, psychological trauma, and disruption to their education and development. The discussion delves into strategies for enhancing protection mechanisms and promoting resilience among children in conflict-affected areas.

1530-1540 – Break

1540-1710 – Student Panel Discussion from winning poster submissions

1710-1730 – Day 2 Wrap Up

1900-2200 – Evening Activity


0830-0840 – Day 3 Introduction
0840-1040 – NATO Activity (To be cfm)
“Building consensus”
The objective of this activity is to engage participants in the process of consensus building using a simulated NATO exercise aimed at addressing the needs related to human security and creating a secure environment for threatened populations.

1040-1130 – NATO activity debrief by NATO College participants

1130-1400 – VIP Lunch and announcement of High School Contest winners

1400-1530 – Panel 3 “Evolving Approaches to Human Security”
Evolving approaches to address human security challenges involve adapting strategies, policies, and interventions to effectively respond to changing global challenges. These include trends like holistic and integrated approaches as well as human centre security. These responses include how multilateral organizations, alliances, and diplomatic efforts play a crucial role in addressing transnational threats that impact human security; in addition to using human rights centred approaches and considering such things as environmental sustainability. These evolving approaches reflect a broader recognition that security goes beyond the absence of military threats and encompasses a range of factors that impact the well-being and dignity of individuals and communities. Adapting to these changes requires military and civilian organizations to be flexible, to collaborate, and to understand the complex and interconnected nature of contemporary security challenges.

1530-1540 – Break

1540-1710 – Student Panel Discussion from winning poster submissions

1710-1730 – Day 3 Wrap Up

1900-2200 – Evening Activity 

DAY 4 (To be cfm)

0900-0920 – Day 4 Introduction

0930-1130 – Panel 4 “Safeguarding Humanity: Human Rights and War”
This panel delves into the intersection of human rights and human security. The discussion aims to explore how human rights principles can be effectively integrated into broader human security frameworks to enhance preventive measures, ensure timely and decisive responses to crises, and foster sustainable peace and stability.

1130-1140 – Finale
1140-1200 – Day 4 Wrap Up

Thank you to Our 2024 Partners and Sponsors

2024 Participating Academies & Universities

Contest Winners 2024

International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity - 2024

The first virtual forum for students from

Saint-Jean-Eudes high school in Quebec City

On the afternoon of April 12, 30 students from grades 10 to 12 gathered in our school library to take part in the inter-regional virtual forum entitled Peace, Security & Prosperity, Youth Meeting 2024, a reflection on the principles of Positive Peace and the eight pillars that support it. 

Mr. Richard Giguère, a retired general in the Canadian Armed Forces who teaches at the Université Laval’s École supérieure d’études internationales, and eight of his graduate students in political science and international relations, respectively, gave the opening address and moderated the discussion groups. We’d like to extend our warmest thanks to them for sharing this wonderful experience with us. Congratulations to all our students for preparing so well for this event and for their dynamism during the exchanges!

Also, Colonel Marc Grondin (ret.) and Mr. Steve Gregory, both from the International Forum for Peace, Security and Prosperity, came to our school to present Grade 12 student Hedi Manai with the prize he recently won for 3rd place in the “essay” category of the IFPSP competition. On March 20, Hedi presented his essay online at the third panel of the fourth edition of the IFPSP, held in Palermo, Sicily.

In Saint-Jean-Eudes, the virtual forum held on April 12 was the culmination of the first phase of a more global project that should continue until 2025-2026, allowing us to mark the 250th anniversary of the American invasion of the Province of Quebec in 1775-1776, 15 years after the British Conquest of 1760. Since last fall, the other stages of this first phase have been as follows:

  • Conference by Mr. François Fournier on his work for the UN in Haiti, to mark the International Day of Peace in September;
  • A lecture by Colonel Marc Grondin (ret.) to mark Remembrance Day in November; 
  • Three of our 12th grade students took part in the IFPSP student competition.

And last December, another lecture was added to this series of planned activities: a lecture given by Mr. Jean-René Beauchemin, a former student of Saint-Jean-Eudes, about his work in Africa for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Many thanks to Mr. Richard Giguère’s team, the SJE management team and the IFPSP organizers for making these events possible throughout the current school year.

Michel Arsenault,

History and Spanish teacher

École secondaire Saint-Jean-Eudes

International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity - 2023

International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity - 2022